Domus, which is celebrating its centenary this year, has been connecting with distributors and customers from around the globe over the past two weeks. The company staged an exhibition for the export market and its home and Latin American markets respectively at its newly-expanded facility in Sant Julià de Vilatorta, near Barcelona.

ONNERA LAUNDRY BARCELONA was founded in 1922 in Vic as a family business. One hundred years later the brand is still going strong and is demonstrating its successful global reach today.

The solutions on show epitomised Domus’ aim to design laundry equipment in accordance with five concepts which are fundamental to the company: high performance, energy efficiency, connectivity, robustness and versatility.

The exhibition clustered laundry solutions by sector – hospitality OPL, Heathcare OPL, including barrier washers and industrial laundry machines as well as from the self service market. Click here to see a film of the exhibition and factory tour:

A growing company

Behind the exhibition was a lot of work and investment despite the drawbacks of two years of Covid-19. Domus, part of Onnera Laundry Barcelona, has just finalised an ambitious expansion of its plant, which will enable an increase in capacity, allow it to be more efficient and flexible and achieve a greater level of well-being for employees. A second expansion of almost 4,000 sqm has just been completed which gives Domus a modern warehouse with optimised use of machinery, as well as significant expansion of its manufacturing lines.

The in-house show displayed Ecovolution washing machines, tumble dryers and ironers in the new extension to the factory, attracting considerable attention in these days of rocketing fuel prices. “We have made a strong commitment to the most advanced technology, developing special features in each of our ranges. In this way, we have created a new generation of highly efficient products for our clients, which boast low consumption and high technological specifications,” said Gemma Colomer, Domus communications and marketing manager.

An Eco-Energy washer coupled with Domus’ Ecotank can offer savings of up to 70% over traditional models.

High performance machinery ready for the Internet of Things (OUR COMMITMENT TO R+D)

Thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT), we have succeeded in taking a leap into the future with our industrial laundry machinery. It is capable of processing large data packets simply and conveniently.

With the development of the new DOMUS Connect technology, we place all the information possible within customers’ reach, both regarding machines and the business itself, remotely from anywhere on the planet.

To manage your laundry area in the best way possible, whether OPL, industrial or self-service, information is fundamental. Being able to access this information in a simple way greatly facilitates all of the management tasks, optimising time for users, owners, distributors and also for us as the technical support service.

The exhibition, completed with seminars, did a good job of showing off Domus’ latest technological innovations.

“Clients were looking forward to meeting after such a long period, and expressed they were really please to discover all news and features, as well as learn about the new digital tools that we have been preparing for them. These tools are all thought to help our dealers explain better the equipment efficiency features, productivity and technological advntages, so they can advise and help clients when choosing the most adequate equipment for their laundry.

To learn more about the solutions that DOMUS equipment can offer, please visit