It’s that time of year when the HOSPA office is abuzz with excitement and activity as we prepare to assemble many of the industry’s leading minds at our annual HOSPACE conference, which is set to take place on 17 November 2022. It’s the highlight of our HOSPA calendar, offering our members and their guests the opportunity to listen to expert opinions on some of the industry’s most pressing issues and engage in topical discussions, while networking with their peers. As a hospitality association, this is our chance to deliver one of the core values of HOSPA and HOSPACE, which is to gather pioneers and experts from all corners of the industry so that we can share best practice and learn from one another.

Confirmed once again at the Royal Lancaster, London, we will be running our familiar format of presentations, panel discussions and workshops, followed by our fun-packed gala dinner.

As in previous years, the conference will be hosted by award-winning speaker, presenter, renowned raconteur and long-time HOSPA friend, Peter Hancock. Scheduled for a 9am start, initial contributions will come from HOSPA President, Harry Murray MBE, newly appointed Chairman, Bob Silk, and me as CEO. As ever, I am proud to share a stage with such well-known industry stalwarts who will help set the benchmark for the day.

Weigh up the facts

Analysis of the financial state of the hospitality world in the recent past, present and future is a solid foundation for our delegates to start the business of the day. Our first session will offer insight into the current financial climate with facts and figures set to be succinctly presented by HotStats and BDO.

Influential industry voice, Kate Nicholls from UK Hospitality, will then take the stage joined by high profile CEOs from hospitality groups to discuss key topics affecting the sector. It’s no secret that increasing costs, supply chain issues, sustainability and the staffing crisis are front of mind for us, so this will be a great opportunity to hear how our top industry leaders are planning to succeed for the rest of 2022, into 2023 and the years beyond. Sustainability will also be a primary focus at this year’s conference, spearheaded by HOSPA’s sustainability expert, Sarah Duncan. She will provide functional advice on how to strive for a greener future and to be more carbon conscious (which can also be found in HOSPA’s Sustainability Toolkit — a free tool created by Duncan for the betterment of the industry).

“It’s not often that this many hospitality experts are in the same room and the potential for learning and discussion is limitless.”

The metaverse and beyond

Representatives from leading brands, including Google, The Ivy Group and Accor will endeavour to educate attendees on this daunting yet evolving sub-section of hospitality. Renowned Australian hospitality technology speaker, Ted Horner, will lead the discussion calling on the experts to explain what this all means and how it is likely to affect our industry in the years to come.

Last year’s conference was a real success, but given the residual murmurings of the pandemic, it’s only natural that there was a lot of reflection on the challenging years prior. However, for 2022, we are very much looking forward to the future and discussing topics that will likely shape the landscape of our industry for decades to come.

Among the array of impressive speakers, there will also be an opportunity for guest engagement through six workshops, with topics ranging from financial management through to technology hosted. This will offer a unique opportunity for in-depth discussion and a real insight into the specialisms of hospitality.

It’s not often that this many hospitality experts are in the same room and the potential for learning and discussion is limitless. We are also excited to shine a light on some stand-out individuals when we announce the winners of our Inspirational Leader Awards during the gala dinner – which is always a highlight.

More information on HOSPACE and its programme can be found online, as well as information regarding HOSPA’s wider offering. I look forward to seeing many of you in November.