This is what are we doing to sustain the impact and prepare for recovery:

1. Keep our staff and the community safe : Especially our staff that still needs to go to our offices and to our clients. We have more than 80% of the staff in-home offices and we are following all governmental and WHO recommendations for all the 10 offices we have worldwide.

2. Cost-saving : Reduce costs to preserve the financial strength that will allow us to cope with the big drop in business. Also, save to be able to finance our client’s projects when the recovery happens. Nonius was always prudent in the way that it managed its financials to be prepared for a crisis. It is true that we have never expected the crisis would be a health crisis and that tourism would be so strongly hit but we do have the foundation to sustain this colossal impact.

3. Support our clients : we work for hotels in 80 countries and many of our clients are still in operation and they need us. We also need to be available to support our clients with the changes they have to make to shut down sites. For example: help our clients to forward voice calls to the home offices of the staff.

4. Make our products even more accessible . The roadmap was reprioritized to focus on features that will make our products cope with what we see will be a new world of hospitality. Priority is given to process automation features and changes that help with policies of social distance and avoid touching devices that are physically shared.

5. Contactless touchpoints! : Sounds like an oxymoron but it is not. Hoteliers still need to interact with guests, inform, entertain, process their data, etc. Though, guests will be ok with touching their devices and use them in any part of the journey but will want to avoid touching hardware that is shared by others (a keyboard, a remote control, a tablet, a key card …). The Digital guest journey we have been building over the years makes even more sense now and Bringing (and Touch) Your Own Device is synonymous with safety.

6. Strengthen our network of partners : With all the travel restrictions our resellers and service partners became even more relevant. They allow us to be closer to our clients and extend our coverage far beyond the 10 offices we have in the world. We have been certifying more partners to be prepared to serve our clients and not constrained by the distances and restrictions on travel that will take time to disappear …

7. Clear all backlog: Those things that we never had time to do because of the speed and growth of the business. Like someone said, “When fishermen can’t go to the sea they mend the nets”. That applies also to tasks our clients want to do while it is shutdown. All of this is done without any extra cost.